Thursday 12 January 2012


Well where do I start???

My name is Sandra, I'm a mother to 3 wonderful children, work part time and also have a wonderfully supportive husband.

But.........I'm also overweight. This is a concept that I still struggle with even though I've been carrying it around with me for the last 5 years. Now it started when I gained 30kgs when pregnant with my first son, but I'm not going to blame it on him, it was all my doing - bad food choices, way too much food and no exercise what so ever.

So after procrastinating about this for the last 5 years, and 2 rounds of Michelle's 12WBT I have finally decided to commit and get rid of this burden for once and for all!!

Soon the first round in 2012 starts for the 12WBT, this will mean alot of soul searching and what I suspect are very hard and confronting decisions and realisations for me. But I will complete the pre season tasks, I will eat clean (break my addiction with Coke) and exercise daily for the first time in 5 years.

I'm excited about the changes, but also incredibly daunted by the journey ahead. It feels as though I've been given aeroplane tickets to an unknown destination and no other information about where I'm going. But I will do this and I will succeed.


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